
Greetings and welcome to the virtual space of Room 104. The purpose of this blog is to inform and engage, not only with students, but with parents and community members as well. Feel free to look around, comment on posts and art work, and post your two cents about the art activity in 104. Please do not hesitate to email me with any specific questions regarding this blog or the classes. Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bake Sale!

Just a reminder to students, parents, and community members:

The bake sale is fast approaching! Anyone who wishes to participate should email myself, or music teacher Mrs. Sherman by January 13th. The bake sale will be benefiting the Middle School Community Arts Project, which is a great opportunity to take the fine art and music located in our school out into the community. We have several great ambitions this year, so keep your eyes on the school newsletter for more information!


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